2011. március 24., csütörtök


Visit this link and celebrate spring with flowers!!! You can plant and water them! Don't forget to print out your work so you can color it! :)

2011. március 20., vasárnap

homework #2

Listen to this and answer the questions!

How many hours does an average teenager need to sleep?
What can schools do to help teenagers?
What happened at St. George’s School in Rhode Island after it started classes later?

homework #1

1. First watch the video!
2. Read these questions and try to find the answers while watching the video again!
Do you need a gmail address to create a blog?
Can you add images to your blog from your own pictres?
How can your friends visit your blog?

technology as testing aid


2011. március 13., vasárnap

The best teachers always innovate.

This video says it all. No need to comment. Do you agree?

Can technology be a motivating source for students?

I found this on You Tube and it is very interesting what Zoe says. Students need novelties!
However I have two questions:
Are only new technologies helpful in getting students interest?
Or is it the way how we use them?

2011. március 11., péntek

So we are preparing our students for ... what?

Here are some questions:
What and how to teach? Will it be useful in a few years? Should we teach facts or abilities? Creativity will be one of the most impotant abilities if it's not already. Are schools ready for a change? Are we teachers ready for changes?
Are you learning things that are useful? Or things you have to? Would you like you school to be more open to technologies? Would it help your personal/educational development?

2011. március 10., csütörtök


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You are one of the first visitors on this blog! I hope you will enjoy it and will come back from time to time, and maybe share your ideas, comments with me!
